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What are the Step to Becoming an Actor? | Model Factory

Becoming an actor or actress is not one way. But these are the five most common steps for those who want a career in show business.

1. Train to Become an Actor:

Train to Become an Actor

There are no formal educational requirements for the actors, but training is a good place to start. If you are a student, consider getting a BFA or MFA in theater or participating in summer programs; Otherwise, local acting classes are the best option for most people.

2. Create your Headshot, Acting Resume, and Demo Reel:

Create your Headshot, Acting Resume, and Demo Reel

Casting directors often require you to present these materials before they will consider you for roles.

3. Submit to Auditions and Casting Calls:

Submit to Auditions and Casting Calls

At the beginning of your career, you will find them backstage through word of mouth and online casting platforms.

4. Gain Experience will Improve your Resume and Reel:

Gain Experience will Improve your Resume and Reel

When you audition and play more roles, you will acquire better footage for your reel and better parts to list your resume.

5. Get Signed by an Agent:

Get Signed by an Agent

The experience you create will help you influence an acting agent and get representation. With an agent in your corner, you will have access to large projects and Meteor roles.

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