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How Can I Be a Hand Model? | Model Factory

Do you have attractive, immaculate hands? You may have the ability to be a hand model. Read on to discover everything you need to know about hand modeling.

What is a Hand Model?

hand model

A hand model is a model that works primarily with its hands. They are considered a part of the body-part modeling category, typically used within commercial modeling but often also in high fashion.

Hand models are used when market items found on or around the hands are needed for jewelry or nail polish.

Hand models have more work than other body-part models because the hands may have the necessary images for many types of campaigns. For example, the actress who created the model by hand, Christina Hendrick, was used for the cover of the film 'American Beauty.

What Do You Need to Be a Hand Model?

need hand model

It goes without saying, but to be a hand model you must have elegant and attractive hands. Both men and women can have hand models, although women have to work more because women usually have more products on hand.

Your fingers should be long and elegant. Nails should be clean, well-organized, unstable, and manicured.

There should be no jewelry marks on the skin and no other obvious marks.

The skin of your hands should be clean of stains or spots. It means no mole, hair, freckle, or scar.

How to Look After Your Hands?


It is very difficult to become a full-time hand model and most hand models also dub in other forms of modeling or do other part-time jobs.

Hand models should be clear about the hygiene and maintenance of their hands. This may mean that keeping hands safe due to certain social engagements can be a major task for professional hand models.

A hand model should protect their hands from scratches, scars, burns, or otherwise damage. Until the scar is fixed, a small scratch can put the hand model out of work. As we use our hands, this can be a difficult but necessary rule to follow.

Hand models also have regimes designed to maintain their skin and nails. This includes regular relaxation, moisturizing, and SPF applications.

How to Get Into Hand Modelling?

get hand modeling

Modeling by hand is similar to modeling in any form. The best way is to find an agency that can represent you and give you an opportunity.

Finding an agent is now simple thanks to the Internet. You can apply to as many agencies as you want, as often as you want. Try to apply to agencies that work with body part models as these will provide more work opportunities for you.

Another way to get noticed is to use social media platforms like Instagram. Brands eat notices that have a high number of followers and high post engagement. Sharing your own modeling pictures on Instagram with related hashtags can help you find work.

You also need a good modeling portfolio full of hand images to help you succeed. Your portfolio will contain previously taken modeling images. If you do not have any modeling experience yet, it is a good idea to hire a professional photography studio to take them. Take lots of different pictures and include lots of angles. You want to show potential agencies and brands that you are flexible, professional, and have a lot of potentials.

"Interested models click here to further information modeling profession."

Category : Models